Monday, August 11, 2014

Adventure Time

What are the most exciting adventures you have had in your life so far? (it can be your adventure being here in the United States) Why?  What adventures do you look forward to or aspire to do in the future? Why? Why do you think adventures are important in a person’s life?

The most exciting adventures I have had in my life are the trips I have had with my parents to the Caribbean Islands of Bermuda, Jamaica, and Haiti.  The reason I found those adventures to be the most exciting was because I got to explore a completely different area from where I am from and I got to observe how people from from distant places live in their environments.  Specifically with the country of Haiti this was an adventure of origin because it is where my parents are from originally.
An adventure that I aspire to do in the future is visit a country in the Eastern World (China would be my first choice).  The reason for this is because of the experience I have had in this program mentoring students from there.  

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