Sunday, July 27, 2014


What type of performances do you enjoy the most?  What makes you like these performances?  Please illustrate your responses. You may choose to discuss the Broadway show or the Yankees game in your response.  

The type of performance I personally enjoy watching the most is acting, generally on television or film.  The reason I find acting form of performance most interesting is because visually and audibly I am able to be convinced the people on screen are completely different people from who they really are (the actors).  Film and television in my opinion allows for limitless creativity in storytelling in terms of the characters, the plot, and setting.  In addition to the limitless creativity with this type of performance because of technology it is very easy to rewatch these types of performances where you can view it again and examine aspects of it you may have not noticed about it initially.    
This is one of my favorite situation comedy (sitcoms) shows to watch.  It depicts the story of a man's recollection of how he met his childrens' mother.  Because of the easy accessibility of television shows such as this I frequently catch reruns of it despite having already seen every episode of it.  

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